Carl Verheyen "Intervallic Rock"

Carl Verheyen "Intervallic Rock"


Carl Verheyen
Intervallic Rock
The Story
"Intervallic Rock" introduces you to Carl Verheyen's unique language on guitar, a modern approach to the guitar that transcends stylistic boundaries and has relevance within all styles of music. Carl takes you through rock, blues, jazz and country music in major, minor and dominant keys. But more importantly you learn to catalog a vocabulary of melodic lines and ideas as your own style emerges. By deconstructing the scales and reassembling them into lines, you'll find your own direction as an improvising musician. This DVD gives an in-depth look into the creative process of a truly original musician!

Special DVD features include: Printable PDF Reference Materials, Live Bonus Performances ("Place For Me", "Wasted Blues"), Exclusive Live Solos ("No Walkin' Blues", "Rumor Mill"), Photo Gallery With "In The Stream".

DVD Video, NTSC, Regions: All

Additional Facts
Carl Verheyen's solo career, spanning 19 years and 9 releases, is a masterful study in melodic lines and phrasing. His style is a new language for improvising on the guitar, involving the power of intervals instead of the predictable monotony of scales and patterns.