Classy Power Rock
Classy Power Rock
Smooth Voice, Smoking Chops
A Touch & Feel To Kill For
Instrumentals With Feeling & Soul
Detailed Arrangements, Stellar Playing
New Jersey instrumental Fretburner
Exemplary German Instrumentalist
The advantages to working with a label is the feedback you get while writing. On my previous CDs I was pretty much on my own so it was nice to get some feedback for a change.
This is one of the great things about being an artist on Favored Nations. I am in control of my art. When I write songs, I never think about how long a song is - my songs and arrangements are done the way I envision it.
Music is the highest form of art. It is the most abstract art, while being the one that reaches deep emotions in all of us. Instrumental music is Pure Music. It gives to the listener only vibrations to get inspired and emotional.
Northern California Guitar Tribute
Delivering The Unfamiliar