Guest Columnists

Displaying 649 - 660 of 1236
August-September 2006
Danny Jones

Danny Jones knows you don`t have enough time to practive - or maybe you do.

August-September 2006
David Martone

A look at Canadian guitarist David Martone latest educational tour and photo op.

October-November 2006
David Martone

Canadian guitarist David Martone`s recent clinic with Jennifer Batten.

October-November 2006
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

These ideas will really add some spice to your playing.

October-November 2006
Tom Hess Opus 2

Do you know the difference between an amateur and a professional? Learn the difference between `just playing well` and mastery.

October-November 2006
Patrick DeCoste

Patrick DeCoste returns with tips on `playing to the sound`.

October-November 2006
Sean Farrington

The fourth installment of strategies that successful independent artists use to profit from their passion for music.

October-November 2006
Robert Walker

Most guitarist are predominantly one or the other. Here`s some ways to achieve some balance.

October-November 2006
Jamie Andreas

Virtuoso classical guitarist and instructor Jamie Andreas helps you to both figure out, and master, the neck.

October-November 2006
Randy Ellefson

Guitarist Randy Ellefson hopes you never need this article. But if you do, read on.

October-November 2006
Tim Sweeney

Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney is back to help influence your priorities.

October-November 2006
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab helps you write a cover letter, complee with a prototype and instructions.


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