Guest Columnists

Displaying 1189 - 1200 of 1236
June-July 2016
David Andrew Wiebe

But if you want to keep progressing, you have to make the decision to grind it out.

June-July 2016
David Sertl

David Sertl thinks it time that guitarists move beyond "Satryngvai Shredblues".

August-September 2016
Tom Hess Opus 2

To easily play with greater speed, you`ll need to use the most effective picking technique possible.

August-September 2016
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Mike Campese teaches you short snippets from some songs off his brand new album "Chapters".

August-September 2016
Tommaso Zillio

Examining the problems of CAGED starting from the effect on your picking hand.

August-September 2016
Roland Nipp

With the right approach, Practice will be enjoyable and something you look forward to.

August-September 2016
David Sertl

A dissection of "Not Of This Earth" and "Surfing With The Alien".

August-September 2016
Simon Candy

You maybe missing out on a massive range of sounds that you just can`t get otherwise.

October-November 2016
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Here are Mike`s technique to help spice up your solos, instead of just running up and down arpeggios.

October-November 2016
Tom Hess Opus 2

All of your favorite guitar players play in a way that looks amazingly easy.

October-November 2016
Tommaso Zillio

Scales are important to learn, but most instructors have put them emphasis on learning them by heart and simply playing them up and down.

October-November 2016
Simon Candy

Harp harmonics never fail to immediately grab the attention of those who hear you play them, leaving them spellbound by what they just heard.


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