Or, as they say in Fargo, "Stomp Box of the Day", Billy Gibbons in a box.
Or, as they say in Fargo, "Stomp Box of the Day", Billy Gibbons in a box.
Or, as they say in Belmopan, "Stomp Box of the Day", delivering a “just-right” level of medium dirt.
Or, as they say in Dublin, "Stomp Box of the Day", transforming notes into an adjustable ascending or descending scale.
Or, as they say in Boston, "Stomp Box of the Day", dialing in every essential fuzz tone you desire.
Or, as they say in Charlotte, "Stomp Box of the Day", into a saturating amp it sounds incredible.
Or, as they say in Houston, "Stomp Box of the Day", a modulated dual echo delay pedal.
Or, as they say in Boise, "Stomp Box of the Day", a box with four intelligent pitch-shift effects and three-voice harmony.
Or, as they say in Atlanta, "Stomp Box of the Day", a Boss distortion classic.