The talented artists associated with Guitar Nine reveal offbeat and unusual ways to get noticed.
Welcome to the August edition of the Guitar Nine on-line magazine. Of special note, the September issue of Guitar One magazine contains an article written by Troy Stetina entitled "Untangling The Web", in which he introduces the Guitar Nine web site to a worldwide audience for the very first time in print. Keeping the new releases coming in fast, we've added 24 CDs to the site, including instrumental works by Project Alcazar (featuring Chris Steberl), Alien Cowboys, Funnybone, Chris Hattingh, Les Sabler, Greg Howe, Planet X, Michael Sobygge, Craig Chaquico, Prashant Aswani, Jim Marshall, Synesthesia (featuring David Martone), Daniel Wentworth, Anand Mahangoe, Bob Margolis, Brand X, Henderson/Smith/Wooten, Steve Morse, Byron Nemeth and Ken Hatfield. You can now listen to and order 493 instrumental releases by 296 different artists. Visit the Instrumental Guitar Showcase to browse and listen to all of these dynamic recordings, or check out our recommendations page. If you've released an instrumental project, get all the details about merchandising through Guitar Nine, and decide if it's right for your music (if you've released a guitar-oriented CD with vocals, click here).
The talented artists associated with Guitar Nine reveal offbeat and unusual ways to get noticed.
Chopin`s swift piano piece adapted for the six-string.
Tips on avoiding practice schedule overload. From the guitarist behind the unique "Highway 90" CD.
David Martone`s follow up lesson continues the quest for a change of color over dominant chords.
Add spice to your sonic stew with these harmonization ideas.
Get a rhythmic grip on odd meters with the latest installment from Colin Mandel.
Believe it or not - you can play melodies and riffs without always pressing on the frets. Let Ray show you how.
Neil Haverstick has made his living with his instrument for over 20 years - tips from a seasoned veteran.
Who bears the ultimate (and ironic) responsibility for the rise of peer-to-peer music swapping over the Internet.
Music industry guru Christopher Knab is back to discuss the business end of artistic success.
Don`t get jealous. Don`t put other people down for their playing. You have to concentrate on what you want to do and study and appreciate the works of other people. Don`t rip off works of your friends, take a little from them and add some originality. I have found that the people who take ideas and riffs from others blatantly without giving credit are usually mediocre musicians and writers.
French Instrumentalist Signs Deal For New CD
Busy Guitarist Keeps The Releases Coming
Aggressive, Unorthodox Fingerstyle Wins Fans
Electrifying Live Performer Offers Instrumental Work
Visually Evokative Instrumental Music
Singer-Songwriter Offers Guitar-Soaked Release
Melodic And Cheery Acoustic Fingerstyle
Improvisational Instrumental Guitar
Contemporary Acoustic/Electric Instrumentals
I have done interviews with quite a few leading Japanese and European magazines. My experience with them has been very positive. As far as US magazines are concerned, it is hard for me to say how they are handling guitar-oriented music, because I haven`t dealt with them much in the past. There just doesn`t seem to be that much of a market for insturmental music in the US as there is overseas.
Electronic Music For Guitar And Guitar Synth
We`re definitely going to do another album this year. We`ve got a couple of concepts we`re throwing around. It will be an instrumental album. We`re ready to do that again ourselves. Like I said, we`re extremely proud of "Under The Lash Of Gravity" and we`re doing everything we can to get it out there. Initially, instrumental guitar fans didn`t buy it. But if they give it a chance, it does grow on you.
New Caledonian GIT Graduate Goes Instrumental