The story of Fender is the story of music today. No other manufacturer of instruments and equipment has had a greater influence on the way we compose, play and hear music.
Originator of the incendiary La Grange and Wessex overdrive pedals, and lots more.
The story of Fender is the story of music today. No other manufacturer of instruments and equipment has had a greater influence on the way we compose, play and hear music.
A tradition of innovation - with products designed to achieve unprecedented tonal flexibility.
Pro audio gear including mixing consoles, powered mixers and amplifiers.
Ethereal Reverb Delay, Fuzztration Fuzz, Plexi-Drive British Deluxe Overdrive - need we say more?
The Spirit of Art in Technology. Awesome amps used by artists such as Soundgarden, Everclear, Bush, John Petrucci, Carlos Santana and others.