The Undiscovered: Sifu Stephen Doe

Sifu Stephen Doe


Genius By Virtuosity

Manchester, New Hampshire shredder Sifu Stephen Doe submitted his seven-song instrumental CD-R, Playing With Time, a full-out assault on the fretboard. "I feel that it is truly an exhibition of genius by virtuosity," states Doe, who plays all the instruments on the album. A highly skilled axeman, Doe delivers incredibly fast lines alongside his backing tracks, which probably should be recorded by a full band, for maximum impact. He's got all the neo-classical and shred skills down pat, which are put to good use on tracks such as "Con-Fusion" and "Awakening", which feature some furious playing techniques. All that's needed here is production and arrangement help, and some like-minded, powerhouse musicians to contribute on the recording end of things - you should have a winner.


Lest you think sifu is just another ingredient in moo goo gai pan, Doe has been studying classical guitar, music theory, composition, advanced composition, jazz, blues, and rock, since he was 5 years old. For 5 years he played in a band named Wildside. While experimenting with various styles and beats, he found new inspiration. Doe discovered the magic of progressive/rock and instrumental music, and found he enjoys writing aggressive songs with a melodic flair. He plays drums, bass, and keyboards, out of a constant need to write and record. His "Trial" demo, recorded in 2003, consisted of 10 songs. Doe has built a strong blend across diverse musical styles, and prefers the challenge of off-tempo pieces with several key and instrumental transitions.

Doe's ultimate goal is to get signed by a label. He is looking to get his music on the radio a much as possible. He would also like to do as many live interviews and connect with as many fans as he can.

Contact Information

Stephen Doe
United States

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