My plans are to completely write and record a full album before bringing in other musicians. At that point, I would attempt to put together a band that could play the material live if necessary.
The main recording guitar I use my two Charvel 750XLs (one has an EMG 81 (neck) and an EMG 85 (bridge) -- the other has a DiMarzio Tone Zone in the bridge and a Duncan '59 in the neck - These guitars RULE for recording.
I also use a ton of other guitars as well (such as):
ESP Skulls and Snakes
ESP Sunburst Tiger
ESP Kamikaze IV
Ibanez RG520QS (EMGs)
Ibanez RG560 (EMGs)
Ibanez RG570 (EMGs)
Charvel Model 4 (Custom) (EMGs)
Ibanez RG Custom (EMGs)
and a few others.
The only "keyboard" tones that are on my recordings at this point are from my Boss DR-5 and from various samples from sample CDs
Sound modules
No Midi implemented in my recordings yet.
My main drum machine is a Boss DR-770.
I also have (but very rarely record with anymore) a Boss DR-5
I do use a Sonic Maximizer on my guitars, otherwise, the only effects used for guitar are a little reverb and sometimes a slight delay on my leads.
All other effects used in my recordings are from Cool Edit Pro 1.2a.
All of my recordings are direct, except for vocals, which I use a Shure 58.
Mackie CRX-16
Tape decks
All digital recordings are mixed down (in computer), then burnt to CD audio.
Alesis Monitor One powered monitors and Yamaha powered monitors
Custom built Intel PIII 1Ghz, 512Mb Ram, Four 36 gig SCSI disks (Ultra160).
Music software
Cool Edit Pro 1.2a is the main program for recording and editing.
Every now and then I'll use Sonic Foundry Sound Forge for touching things up.
Additional equipment
Line6 Flextone II HD guitar head, Line6 Floorboard, Laney 4x12 cabinet.
I also have a rack rig that includes an ADA MP-1, Digitech TSR-24S, Alesis Quadraverb GT, Sonic Maximizer, Hush II Noise Reducer, TubeWorks MosValve power amp.