Home Studio Registry: Tristan Forgus

Future plans/projects

Moving into permanent facility 7/99 continued intergration of multimedia (esp. video w/ audio and WWW) expansion into midi


Martin acoustic, taylor acoustic, ibanez and peavey elec.guitars, peavey bass musicman 75w reverb 212combo (solidstate/tube hybred) peavey classic 30 (all tube), fender bxr 60 bass combo


Alesis qs8


Boss dr660, some assrt. percuss.


Digitech 2120, digitech sv5 studio vocalist behringer tube parametric eq, bellari dualtube mic-preamp bellari dualtube compressor, bellari dualtube sonic exciter


Akg c3000, EV re20, rode nt2, groove tube 6TM, CAD e300, audioTechnica 818b shotgun


Mackie 1604vlz, mackie 1402vlz

Tape decks

Tascam 38 1/4" reel-to-reel 8-track, tascam da40 dat, tascam 112 cassette


Mackie hr824 powered monitors onkyo amp, ram monitors, (3) akg k240 headphones


Powermac 8600/300, 226mb ram, 4gb int HD, 9gb ext. av HD, EventElec.'s Gina, 2gb jazz, 200mb syquest, 100mb zip, laCie 4x-write cdr

Music software

DeckII, soundedit16, various software-effects plug-ins, utilities, etc.

Additional equipment

Sony 3ccd vx3 pro camcorder adobe premiere (photoshop, illustrator, etc) truevision Targus1000 videoCapture

Additional notes

The studio will be moving this summer to a permanent, multi-room facility... at which we plan to add: baldwin upright piano, yamaha stage custom w/ zildjian, (3) shure beta58, akg d112,

Primary use Secondary use
Composition Other
Recording level MIDI level
Average Just learning
Commonly work (with) Completed songs/demos/jingles
Other musicians More than 100