We turn the electronic mailbag upside down to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about releasing and promoting records.
Welcome to the December holiday edition of Guitar Nine's on-line magazine. We're closing out a tough 2020 and welcoming in 2021 with a half-dozen new columns in this issue. We wish you all the best for the holiday season and hope you'll take this time to improve your playing and educate yourself about the business of music. In total, three columnists have submitted six excellent articles on a range of musical topics of interest to practicing musicians. After working through the information and lessons, please sample some great music released by the over 1400 musicians we've worked with over the past 24 years! To date, we've now published over 220 artist interviews, while over 210 musicians and industry experts have written nearly 1200 guest columns for this site since 1996.
We turn the electronic mailbag upside down to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about releasing and promoting records.
A great way to connect the five basic major scale patterns.
Less is more, more is more - which is it?
Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page inspired a generation of guitarists.
Can your hands actually be too small to play?
A good guitar riff drives the song, and is often one of the most memorable parts of the tune.
We're positive you should be exposed to negative harmony.
Guitar Nine's December-January 2020 newsletter.